Sunday, February 12, 2017

Assignment 19: Dylan Ruddy

I have two pieces of advice that I like, one of them is " work ethic always wins," and the second is "The man that knows the rules and knows how to bend them is the man that ends up on top." Now these may seem to contradict each other and they do to a point, even if you work you hardest, someone can beat you by bending the the rules. However the reason I had to mention both of them is because I like how powerful they are when they are combined. If you are able to have a killer work ethic and bend the rules in your favor then you will end up on top. We saw this with Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Vanderbilt. Now I'm not saying I want to be like them, but I do have a huge amount of respect for them. They came from nothing which required the work ethic, and they bent the rules to put other out of business and make as much money as they could. Now they weren't Ghandi by any means but they were ingenious, powerful, and wealthy.

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