Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Assignment 17- Colton Warner

Review: Hell or High Water 4.5/5
Confession- I would not have watched this movie if an old journalist on CBS Sunday Morning had not told me it was the best movie he had seen in two years. So, I watched it, expecting great things (never good thing to do), and my predictions surrounding the plot were wrong. I actually liked it a lot better how it played out than how I wanted it to.
The movie was dubbed a modern "Western" and I partially agree. It has this sense of grit and masculinity that John Wayne lovers pine for. But, at the same time, the story weaves in the emotions and brains of two brothers and an aging sheriff. It starts off with a short burst of adrenaline then tones down to more subtle, drawn out exposition that lasts for a good portion of the movie with a few plot advancements. What would have felt dull in most movies, felt real with the director's superb directing skills, the crew's editing, and terrific dialogue from the writer of Sicario. 
What made the movie worthwhile for me was the end when all of the pieces subtlety came together and came to focus. I realized why the characters did what they did and how their past still affects each action they make. I really digged it and you probably will too.

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