Sunday, February 12, 2017

Assignment 18- Colton Warner

High School:
1. Learn cool things and meet interesting people.
2. Get into good college that I am excited about going to.
3. Develop into an interesting person.
4. Learn how to solo backpack and do it.
5. Have a dank mentoring project that I actually enjoy.
I had learn cool things above get into a good college because I think it is kind of effed that High School can be seen as a place that is only for preparing for college. I have looked at high school as this random phase of my life before college, but I kind of want to give it more meaning, and get out of that college box that I can often put myself in.

1. Meet awesome friends and learn awesome things for a career.
2. Set myself up for a cool career that either makes me a ton of money so I can retire and do something meaningful or a job that is meaningful and important.
3. Make a difference in a community different from mine.
4. Study abroad in some place that I am not comfortable with.
5. Travel more places.
Again, I don't really like thinking about college as a preparation for the workforce. Of course that's what its meant for, but I don't always want to be focusing on the next step, but rather think about now and live it up.

1. Have a fulfilling job that lets me be creative and feel like I have a purpose
2. Find a purpose
3. I want to get invited into some random persons house in a foreign country and have an impromptu meal with their family
4. Raise a troop of my own clones that I can spread my nationalistic message with to eventually dominate the galaxy with.
5. Kidding, raise a family that can live a happy, meaningful life.
6. Open a b and b or small hotel that makes other people love a certain location or the outdoors.
For the hotel thing, I love showing people cool things I have found and sharing mutual excitement, so I think it would be fun to have a lodge in a really interesting place either naturally or culturally for visitors to truthfully understand, make home, and love.

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