Sunday, February 12, 2017

Assignment 18 - Christian Lauritzen

1.  Before I leave high school, I would like to visit another country.  The time I have been out of the country was the summer of 8th grade when I went on a cruise in the Bahamas, and since I was on a boat the whole time, I didn't get to see much of the culture there, which is one of my biggest interests, so I am looking forward to actually immersing myself in another country in the next couple of years.

2.  Before I finish college, I want to go on a big trip somewhere with friends.  I have never been on a large scale trip doing things with just a bunch of friends and no one to tell us what to do.  In college, I hope to have this opportunity to forget life a little bit and just travel around doing stuff with people I enjoy being around.

3.  Now, this is a stretch, but before I die, I want to go to every country.  Of course this is extremely long term, but I want to spend my life traveling and seeing places, even if only for a couple of days.  I want to see the world and its people, I want to see history and culture and all of the secrets this world has to offer.  I'm hoping with new technology this will be more feasible, but seeing every country on Earth would be incredible.

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