Sunday, February 12, 2017

Assignmen 19 - Christian Lauritzen

Now at first glance, the advice "make a difference" is definitely inane, however I have recently look it more to heart. The idea of actually making a difference.  Before I always assumed I would be fine with living my life like millions of others.  Graduating from High School, going to College, getting a job, having friends, retiring relatively wealthy, and dying a happy man.  But now I think differently.  I don't want to just live for happiness and then die.  I want to make a difference.  They say a person dies twice, first when their body dies, and second when someone says their name for the last time.  In the second respect, I want to be immortal.  I want to impact the world, make lives better in a big way, and have people speak my name as they speak of Julius Caesar or Shakespeare.  And this isn't selfish motivation.  I seek this to make the world better.  I want to permanently improve the world and its people in a way that will last for centuries after I die.  I am motivated by this drive to make a difference.  It is how I will pursue a career, spend my free time, and live my life.  I want to make a difference, for the better.

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