Monday, November 28, 2016

Assignment 14- Quinn Andrews

Thanksgiving is always chaotic and not a little bit terrifying. On Thursday, we start the day making sweet potatoes and starting the cranberry sauce. Our neighbors, and close family friends, start smoking a turkey about the time I wake up. My mom, step-dad, brother, and I all go to a movie around noon (this year it was Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them). When we get back, we make rolls, green bean casserole, and cherry pie. Around this time, our other neighbors start frying a second turkey. At 5:30, we walk over to our neighbor's house, where the smoked turkey, gravy, and mashed potatoes are already done. As we're setting our stuff on the table our other neighbors come over with the fried turkey, stuffing, and a cherry pie. We lay everything out, say grace, and dig in. I love the holiday because it's more relaxed than Christmas and we get to see family without all the stress of finding presents and trying to make everything perfect. The food is delicious and we can enjoy it with people we love. There isn't any crazy last minute shopping or driving hours on end to see family twelve hours away. For my family, Thanksgiving is more about the family you choose to have, rather than the family you're born with.

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