Sunday, November 27, 2016

Assignment 14 - Ella Franklin

On Thanksgiving Day I was bored and didn't feel like doing work so I went through the Photo Booth pictures of myself I have on my computer. I wanted to make a goofy Thanksgiving card for my friends. I chose a picture of myself I took on election night where I was crying and just looked really pitiful, and then I put a bunch of Thanksgiving clip art on it and sent it to my friends. It was well received. I'm not gonna attach it here because I don't really want all of my classmates to see what I look like when I'm crying but I'll show you if you ask. Charlotte saw it. 

Anyways, my Thanksgiving looks pretty typical. I don't have much extended family in town, and my extended family has closer family where they live so they don't come down anyways. It's just my parents, my brother, my grandparents, and my aunt at my Thanksgiving table. It's really not that big of a deal since we usually have them over for dinner on Sunday nights. So it's kind of routine. We're really close with my grandparents especially, not so much my aunt Carol. My grandparents are big Republicans and voted for Trump, but then after Carol left my brother just out of the blue said, "Hillary won the popular vote." See, we can say stuff like that without it being a whole family argument. All in good fun.

When we have dinner on Sunday nights my grandparents almost always come but Carol isn't always invited. She's actually my grandfather's deceased brother's wife, so really she isn't related to any of us at all, but she's an only child and I'm pretty sure her parents are dead so she doesn't really have anyone else. There's always been a little bitterness in my family towards Carol because she's kind of cold and isn't really much the conversationalist and doesn't really thank my mom for food but, you know, she's only human. I like her a lot. She's a cold hard woman. There's another word I want to use truly as a term of endearment instead of "woman" but it is a curse word so I'll spare it. Carol is really cool. I know honestly nothing about her. No idea where she's from. I don't think she had any siblings. If she does they're dead now or it's one of those things where they just stopped talking forever. She was actually married before she was married to my grandpa's brother which I find fascinating. That's really amazing. Two whole husbands. Wow. I don't know when she divorced her last husband and when she married my grandpa's brother. I don't know how long she was married to either of them. I know my grandpa's brother died around the summer of 2001. I think that's right. It was close to 9/11. Carol's also really clumsy which is funny because she's always breaking a bone or falling or messing up her hip. This Thanksgiving she had her arm in a sling which was just classic Carol. She's also a really good cook. She makes these pecan tarts for Christmas that my dad and I love. 

This Thanksgiving I was out driving before dinner with Emily Salamanca since she was in town and I had nothing better to do. Then when I came home Carol had just gotten there and blocked me out of the driveway. So we had to do a little switch and then all was well. Then when I got out of the car I thought she was judging me because I had tall boots on and older people see tall boots and think hooker even though my boots hardly even have a heel, and no hooker would be caught dead without a heal, but later that night Carol told me I looked nice. After dinner I went to Southern Lights with Annie Varner so Carol had to move her car again. She drives a Mercedes. Always has, always will. 

I think Carol likes me because I usually kind of jokingly complain. My grandparents were late to Thanksgiving this year which is funny because they do this every year and they live right across the street and my grandma is hard of hearing and when my mom told her 6 she heard 6:30 so the rolls weren't ready in time. I was joking about it like, "I tell you what. Every year." And Carol was laughing because we have that connection. It's a beautiful relationship really. I would say Carol is the most unappreciated person at my Thanksgiving table. To answer the prompt, my favorite holiday tradition is Carol. Also it just occurred to me that Carol might be spelled Carole. What a mysterious woman. 

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