Sunday, November 13, 2016

Assignment 12- Colton Warner

I choose my ring that I wear around. I go to this mega-Church right outside Cincinnati and the leader gives everyone rings when they turn 14; the leader calls it the age of light, and if you don't get one you are sentenced to confinement in the forest.

Just kidding. I am writing this about my ring, an inanimate object that is usually on me, because I want to dispel any beliefs that it is a purity ring or a promise ring. It is not! I am not apart of a radical religion like Ben Lambert (Disclaimer: I am joking. Contrary to my past beliefs, Ben Lambert is actually not Westboro Baptist). Any who, the story behind it is that I got it at Ranch Camp in Wyoming and once you go through all five years or you're a staff member you get one. Colton this still sounds Culty. Chill, I swear it's not a cult. Everyone wears it after camp for a while, and it is of the Teton Mountain Range which is where my camp was near. I wear it because it looks cool and I liked camp.
If my ring was alive, it would waste its whole day watching what I do and silently judging me for it. It would try to slip off me and roll away, but I would find it and continue to slip it on and off during uncomfortable situations. Its point of view would be a little judgmental but adventurous.

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