Sunday, November 13, 2016

Assignment 10 -Colton Warner

I switch my seat around sometimes, and I'll usually sit by either Henry, Ben, Caden, or Philip. Out of all of them I probably sit next to Phil the most.
I've known Phil since 6th grade, and he's a homie. Phil plays a lot of soccer and digs FIFA. Whether he is out on the field or in the classroom, Phil works hard- just ask him what his GPA is (Do it- it will make him feel really uncomfortable). While he does work hard and play hard, he is pretty composed and chill in most situations. I've never really seen him get angry or annoyed- he's pretty relaxed. If Phil was a color, it would be Green or light blue. In five years, he will probably be in college beating a bunch of people in club soccer. We have a similar taste in shows and movies- we're currently watching Westworld (highly recommend). His cousins are really interesting and his mom kept her maiden name. That's Philip, he's a quality seat partner and so are the others.

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