Saturday, November 5, 2016

Assignment 10 - Ella Franklin

I sit in the island. The middle or the center or whatever its technical name is. From the outside it seems like a very conspicuous place to sit, but on the inside we're like a little family. I sit between Dylan and Shelby. I know Shelby better than Dylan but I've sat next to Dylan longer than Shelby (she was a late island recruit, but still a vital part of the island). So I'll do this post about Dylan.

Earlier in the year I thought this was Dylan's first year at Henry Clay, but it turns out it's actually his second. He transferred here from STEAM sophomore year. I've never talked to him about STEAM or why he transferred but I would be curious to know. Maybe it's because the acronym was too aggressive. STEAM. I feel angry writing it. I feel like STEAM is like the steam that I burned myself with once when I was trying to steam a shirt while still on me. STEAM. I digress. But I would like to know why he left STEAM and why he came to Henry Clay, of all places.

Another thing I know about Dylan is that he is a photographer. I am too, so that's cool. I found out when we were filming our video project and I was supposed to be the videographer so I had brought my camera and this nice zoom lens and a tripod and everything thinking I was just the next whatever famous photographer (I don't really know of any, but I'm working on it), and then I got there late of course and Dylan was already all set up with his camera and tripod. I was kind of confused and also disappointed because I was really excited to be the one with the camera but it turns out we needed two and I had missed the memo. Dylan uses Nikon too. I didn't get to ask him what kind but I think it might be the same as mine. He also showed em where the focus ring is on a zoom lens I had been using all summer and thought you could only use manual focus on. Who knew!

I like Dylan. He's a nice person. A lot of times some people at the island will be talking about an assignment and Dylan gets this look on his face like "Oh crap!" and he goes, "Wait was that due today?" And then we'll be like, "No, it's due Monday," and then he looks very relieved. I think that's funny. We can all relate to that.

If Dylan were a color he'd be a dark sky blue. Like if you look up to the top of the sky where you can see it's almost starting to get dark, that's what Dylan is. Not that he's almost a dark person or something. I can't explain why that's the color I associate with Dylan, but so it is!

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