Sunday, November 27, 2016

Assignment 14- Angelica Malkowski

Every year for Thanksgiving, my mom and I drive down to the house of my mom's best friend (Ollie), in a tiny town named Manchester, Ky. Some of her relatives come over, nieces, cousins, etc. Her dad, son, and husband always make an appearance (to varying degrees). Even though we're not related by blood, we're family. In fact, the biggest reason I look forward to Thanksgiving is that I know I'll get to see Ollie (and others). And also the three days off from school (thank goodness). And the food is great too, a fact I've come to appreciate more as I've gotten older. We have the usual things: turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, mac-n-cheese, broccoli casserole, rolls, pumpkin pie, etc. 

Ollie and I have gone Black Friday shopping together the past few years, a new "tradition" I suppose. The only store we go to is Wal-Mart, though, because there aren't a lot of other places to go Black Friday shopping (told you the town is small).

I don't have any Thanksgiving memories that especially stand out. However, meeting- for the first time- Ollie's first granddaughter this year was pretty great.

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