Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Assignment 13- Colton Warner

Poll- 96% of Americans want to replace history classes with the study of Mongolian cuisine.
We get it history, you happened. It's time the United States stops wasting time studying old, dead people and focus on the now, the present, the relevant topics of the world today. And what better a subject than Mongolian Cuisine?! From Ul Boov (shoe sole cakes) to Airag (mildly alcoholic fermented milk), kids all across the country will want to delve further into the food because nothings sexier to school children than Khuushuur (Deep fried mutton parcels). I, a student, am getting aroused merely writing this ;). At the end of the day, we Americans need to prioritize education and cut out unnecessary subjects like the Civil War and Partition (Literally chill out Pakistan). As Americans, we do not want to live our lives vicariously through the past but rather step forward into the Now. It's our ~destiny~ to free our selves from the system that we call history and move into more relevant material.

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