Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Anakin Reese Conn- Assignment 11

ZOMBIES HAVE ATTACKED.  Detail your survival plan.
In the case that everyone becomes zombies, I would have a passive survival plan, meaning that I would draw as little attention to myself as possible.  Although I live in an urban area, my house has a large underground component with a lot of food, so unless the zombies can sense living things and actively seek them out and bite them, I suppose I could survive for a while in the basement of my house, even without power, as most of the aforementioned food is canned.  If the zombies were able to sense living things, I'm dead.  The entire airborne spread of zombies concept is based on luck, so I would die unless I was immune to the virus by chance.  If the airborne disease didn't kill me, I would attempt to wait out the zombie apocalypse, as zombies should be based on a parasite, and parasites depend on their host, so without a host, the parasite would die, and zombies would eventually starve, so the zombie apocalypse would end.  The destruction of civilization would probably set back humanity a couple years, meaning that civilization wouldn't be back until I was long dead.  So it doesn't matter at all if I survive or not, as things wouldn't go back to being normal in my lifetime, so I would be better off dying at the start of the zombie attack instead of struggling in vain.
(I think I could easily survive one, subconscious says I'm not allowed to go into the details.)

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