Sunday, November 13, 2016

Assignment 11- Colton Warner

Zombies have attacked.
I don't think of this often, but I do think of house intruder scenarios more than I should. I would start by getting home and surveying the damage- Are my parents still alive? If not, it may be easier (sorry mom and dad). But if so, we survey what options do we have left- Are highways blocked? How many zombies are close to us? Option one: make hot chocolate and write a heartfelt death note so my life will have meaning if the zombies lose. Option Two: Actually fight to stay alive. Arm ourselves. Pack up a lot of light food. Fill up two Nalgenes with some Emergen-C because that ish is so good. Bring one of those bracelets with 400 ft of rope on it in the very unlikely chance I/anyone will ever use it. Now I try to make it to Canada (Nova Scotia) via the Appalachian Trail. If its not safe enough to get to the trail by walking Kentucky roads, then head to most remote areas of Kentucky with friends and wait it out. I'll try to find meaning in the messed up life somehow and maybe become a hermit in the woods near a river. End goal: be the next Siddhartha.

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