Friday, November 25, 2016

Assignment 10- Shelby Amato

I don't know who I'm supposed to consider as my neighbor, but I'll go with Ella because I sit mostly beside her now. I think that over the past couple years we've come to know each other generally as a class (though there were a couple people I didn't know existed until this year because we never had classes). As for Ella (Franklin), I know her pretty well. Ella likes photography, some debate, she is honest, and she is funny. I'm not sure how fair it is to characterize her as completely carefree because she is pretty motivated, but generally she seems carefree. I would say Ella is light blue, kind of aqua kind of sky blue (example below). In five years, I see her in war as a journalist. I'm not sure why exactly but she kind of looks like a war reporter to me? I'd say as an animal she is a rabbit, like a wild rabbit. (example below).

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