Sunday, August 14, 2016

Rebekah George Assignment One

            George. Rebekah George. Don’t wear it out. That’s the name and being ridiculously awkward as a human being is the game.

As an individual, I have never been interested in blogging or journaling or keeping a diary—well, except my dreams because that becomes incredibly weird, incredibly fast. I’m talking zero to one hundred, “real” quick (the grammar Nazi within me cringes, but for the purpose of an allusion to a song that I do not know the name of, we shall soldier on. Hail Oxford) kind of weird. I am notoriously terrible at the whole introduce yourself thing because there’s so much to say about myself, and I always have so little time to do it.

My transitions have never been smooth, so, let us begin:

I talk. A lot. At least when I’m in a good mood. But it’s usually either rainbows and sunshine with me or a terrifying monster that just crawled out of the deepest pit of hell. There is absolutely no in-between. As for goals, I have only one: to remain not dead. I think that’s an excellent goal for any year. I also want to become some level of okay at Russian for my Belarusian buddies that I love so much. Academically, I wish to at least pass all of my AP exams.

The most meaningful part of my summer vacation was all the time I spent with some humans that are family at this point. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet thirty Belarusian students and seven American students that I love so dearly due to the Youth Leadership Program with Belarus. We learned about social entrepreneurship and work shopped social projects of our own all over the country. The first eleven days were spent in Virginia at the University of Virginia, followed by ten days in host communities (Denver, Colorado; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Louisville, Kentucky), and ending in Washington D.C. This program changed the way I see the world and allowed me to make, what I imagine will be, life-long friends. I also became Jebekah, so there’s that. You’re welcome to call me that if you so wish.

If I could have any superpower, I’d want to have Killgrave from Jessica Jones’ power. For those of you unfamiliar with the show: Killgrave has the power to affect the behavior of others with his words. If he told someone to bungee jump with their intestines, they’d do it. Well, they would get as far as they could before they died, that is.

I enjoy writing in my free time. It’s mostly fanfiction because coming up with interesting and complex characters is something I simply don’t have time for in my free time. I mean, I am writing something that is original and completely on the DL right now, but occasionally, I write down ideas for things that I will hopefully write eventually.

As for Geeking out, I absolutely love Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock. *cough* Most fanfiction is of the Doctor Who nature. *cough* Breaking Bad is my most recent obsession. I am a total fangirl and it’s great. I’m on the Speech and Debate team, and I talk about it all the time. I enjoy reading. James Patterson is my favorite author, but I also adore Stephen King and William Shakespeare. As for favorite movies, I cant choose between The Matrix and The Emperor's New Groove.

Favorite Website:
Most Random Picture I Have on My Phone:

Also, my very best friends in the world are from Belarus and all speak Russian. I have a tiny obsession with Russia.

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