Sunday, August 28, 2016

Assignment 2- Taylor Hodges

Since I can remember, I have used technology in my life. From watching TV when I was younger to having a phone now. Technology has impacted me (for the most part) in a positive way. Without technology, the plans you could make would be limited and technology has a new way to meet people.
With technology, most people now have a cell phone that they carry around most of the time, especially high schoolers. If we didn't have cell phones, plans would be extremely hard to make. You wouldn't be able to send a text or call someone and say, "Hey do you wanna go to _____?" You'd have to ask them in person which would be hard to do when you have no way to contact them. I don't know how people could possibly make effective plans without technology.
Technology also invented a new way to meet people. There are all kinds of social media now that let you meet plenty of new people. You and someone else could have a mutual friend and you would've never known that if they didn't comment on a picture. You and someone else could have a similar interest and bond over the Internet, but without the internet, you would've never known this person.
Overall, technology has impacted my life in a positive way because plans can be effectively made and it shows you a new way to meet people.

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