Monday, August 22, 2016

Rebekah George Assignment 2

   I can name so many things that I think technology of the future will do and that I want it to do. Though, it may take more than a decade for technology to meet my dreams of a Sci-Fi wonderland, I shall explain nonetheless.

First of all, AI sounds riveting. Imagining something that can communicate with humans endlessly by means of algorithms and actually learning like the human brain fascinates me. Hollywood has made this dream of mine seem very “Terminator: Judgement Day apocalypse” and “nothing is real Matrix-y”, but what’s the worst that can happen? I am quite sure those have been the famous last words of far too many, but I’m willing to accept the consequences. Ultron may have turned out to be an evil death-bot; however, perhaps we can just virtually cuddle our artificially intelligent brethren into submission.

In the future, I also imagine that video games will continue to become more and more interactive. Those face-mask things that “immerse” you in the world of whatever already exist, so who’s to say will come next? Again, Hollywood and the small screen want to convince us that this can also only end in disaster (i.e. Sword Art Online and Spy Kids: Game Over). Personally, neither of these things seem all that bad to me. Everything worked out in Spy Kids, and things just got cooler in Sword Art Online (they got freaking guns. Guns!) It’s sort of ironic that I’m excited about this, as I’m decidedly for stricter gun laws. But, it’s just a video game, so who cares?        

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