Sunday, August 21, 2016

Assignment 1: Charlotte Kessinger

Hola. My name is Charlotte Kessinger if you didn't already realize that. I feel like I am a pretty ordinary person. I have lived in the same house my whole 16 years with my mom, dad, and two younger brothers (who both happen to hate me most of the time). I have two dogs who I love more than most people. Their names are Winston and Bella. I really enjoy taking them to the dog park so if anyone wants puppy play dates I'm down! I run track and cross country and I also swim on the Henry Clay swim team.  This year my goals are to not procrastinate on my work as often in order to produce higher quality work which will hopefully help my second goal of keeping a 4.0 and my third of reducing stress levels!

This summer I spent 4 weeks traveling through Southeast Asia with a group of seven other kids who I met minutes before I boarded a plane for Singapore. I lived with host families in three different rural villages in Thailand and Laos where we ate sticky rice (EVERY SINGLE MEAL), did laundry in buckets, learned to communicate with a huge language barrier, made friends with children and helped them with whatever community projects were needed help with that day such as cementing a floor or digging a hole for a squat toilet. It was such a great experience and I learned so much about the culture. I still get sad thinking about it because I miss it so much.

If I could have any superpower in the world it would be teleportation. This would come in handy so i could complete my bucket list of places in the world to see and also it would be much cheaper than buying a plane ticket. I also would really like time travel powers because it is so hard for me to imagine life back 500 years ago and even farther back or in the future and it drives me crazy.

Id say I'm geeked out by reading for fun. I recently read a book after I got back from Southeast Asia about the clash between American culture/Western medicine and Hmong culture and their beliefs in treating a young Laotian girl with a devastating case of epilepsy.  I also used to be extremely obsessed with the Twilight series not so much anymore. I also really enjoy looking up places in the world that I hope to visit and then begging my mom to plan a vacation there. (She always says no).

As for my favorite website?? Im not sure i really enjoy binge watching movies or tv shows late at night so
Also I'm too cheap to pay for Hulu too but I recently realized if you do a week free trial and then cancel it before they start charging you they will send you another email that gives you two more additional weeks free so you're welcome!

Heres a pic of my sleeping puppy Winston. Enjoy!

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