Sunday, August 28, 2016

Assignment 2- Angelica Malkowski

The world today is moving faster than ever. (Not literally of course, the earth still orbits the sun at the same rate it always has been.) Society today is ever-changing. A big factor in this accelerated change is technology. With the invention of the Internet, smart phones, etc, technology has become a bigger and bigger part of our lives. If I had lived 20 years ago, I would not have the iPhone I depend on way too much, or probably even my laptop. If I wanted to talk to my friends outside of school I'd have to actually call them. Today, however, if I want to plan a trip to the movies, for example, with a group of friends, I can text all of them at once just by pushing a few "buttons." Since I would not have been able to so readily communicate with my friends 20 years ago, I therefore would not have. This could possible have resulted in teenagers being more independent in general, but it also meant there was less of an outlet for teenagers to rant, discuss, laugh, etc through. (That could be good or bad depending on your outlook.) I'm sure I'd still be close to my friends, but perhaps not as close. Overall, I honestly am glad I live in the time period that I do, even if I could live in any time period. I greatly enjoy having comforts such as air conditioning, wifi, and television. I love my smart phone and all the things I can do with it. I love the extracurriculars I am involved in the way they are now (for example I am in marching band, which has changed a lot in the past 20 years).

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