Sunday, August 28, 2016

Chelsea Avery- Assignment 2

I can remember one specific night a few years ago, my father was in the basement finishing up some things for work. Me, being the nuisance I was, starting asking about all the random things in the office. Discovering a floppy disk, I can recall finding it comical when he explained how they were used as they were already very outdated at that time. Now I wonder how many people actually recognize the 'save' icon on Microsoft Word as a floppy disk.
Technology, we can't live without it. My phone, for example, is the first thing I look at in the morning and the last thing I look at every night. And I know I am not alone in this. But can I, and everyone else who loves their smart phones be criticized for this? Technology can do some pretty amazing things- my favorite being its ability to connect people. With the push of a button I can chat "face to face" with my friends around the country and my family around the world. When in Japan, I FaceTime my friends while wandering around the grocery store (free wifi!). Once back in the states, I call my family in Himeji to catch up. Before, I could only see them every few years when I actually visited them. Now, I can keep them updated-- and they're a little less shocked of how much I've grown.
But while connecting, I feel as though technology also is doing the exact opposite- it's disconnecting. Just yesterday while out with friends, I noticed that every single one of us had our phones in our hands throughout the night. In the future, I won't be surprised if people lose their ability to communicate normally with people face to face. I've witnessed my friends meet people over the internet, then become disappointed when they realize they can't communicate or hold regular conversations in real life (I know, going against what we were taught in our internet safety classes as kids).
Either way you view it, technology is going to ever increasingly affect our lives. In my opinion, it is definitely having some negative impacts on the way we communicate with one another. Sorry, not sorry, I am the one who will call you out for not being able to hold a normal conversation without watching your phone.

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