Saturday, August 20, 2016

Chelsea Avery Assignment 1

Hey everyone! I'm Chelsea, you can call me Chels if you so desire.
Every first day of school I am reminded of how  bad I am at introducing myself, but I'll give it my best shot. Starting off simple, I am 15 (turning 16 in September!), I am a middle child, and I am half Japanese. I like to travel and I like to take photos. If you ever see me walk into class with a huge grin on my face it's probably because I took some good shots in my 1st hour photography class.
Photos and travel, pretty much sums up what my summer was all about this summer. I was lucky enough to go out west for a a few days with my family, we hit up some pretty neat national parks and you guessed it, I hiked around everywhere with nothing but a bottle of water and my camera bag. My favorite moment of this trip was probably one of the nights at Bryce Canyon. Situated quite a ways away from any big cities, you can see the whole Milky Way at night. (We can pause here to have a look at my super-amateur, super-shabby attempt to capture how cool this view was)
Next stop was Corolla Beach in North Carolina, while it was very nice, I am much more excited about the third stop. The Canadian Rockies! Favorite moment was on my last day. The whole time I was there, everyone was always talking about the bears. Apparently, this year was a great year for the berries so all the bears were out about, causing them to actually close some campgrounds due to high levels of bear activity. But it wasn't until my last day that we actually ended up seeing a bear. It was a grizzly, very cool if you ask me. 

Many pictures were taken, lots of fun was had.  

My main goal for this school year is to pass all my AP exams but also to enjoy my junior year. If I could pick a superpower, it would for sure be teleportation. Not having to pay for plane tickets would be so great. 
What geeks me out? High quality pics. 
My favorite website:

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