Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Assignment 3: Charlotte Kessinger

I believe that there is good and evil in the world due to the society we live in today but it is a word we use to describe our behavior. I think that whether a person is behaves good or evil depends entirely on their life experiences. If a child was born into a life of abuse without love, he or she may not understand what good can bring to them or others. This child may grow up to be a human who has no problem or guilt killing people or hating others.
However I think that good and evil are concepts that humans have made up in order to punish or praise people. A person can do a horrible thing, carry out a mass murder but come to realization that what they did was completely unacceptable. While he may have carried out the killing because he had a rough childhood, was desperate or a mental disorder, he can change himself. People may want to punish this man for life but what if he becomes a caring sweet human?
 It is difficult to determine what makes somebody good or evil and may depend throughout culture due to different ideas of good or evil. They are subjective terms that can vary. Being good or evil also may depend on the context. Is it wrong to murder Adolf Hitler who killed millions of Jews? It depends on what a person believes therefore good and evil are just schemas.
I think that a person is not entirely good or evil, they may behave a certain way but it does not entirely define them for forever.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Shelby Amato- Assignment 3

I don't believe in the absolutes of good or evil. I think that it is difficult for any one person or thing to be entirely evil or good because your character or the character of any idea/thing/animal/person is comprised of behavior, which is changeable.

If a mass murderer confesses, does community service, gets treated for mental health issues, makes public apologies, and serves their time, are they still entirely an evil person or did they just do one evil thing? I believe it's the latter. Even if they never did anything but deny, deny, deny they have still only demonstrated that their behavior tends towards the destructive- not that they are inherently destructive.

So-called evil people did not burst out of the womb guns blazing and curse words spewing out of their infant mouths. So-called evil people learned their first words, were considered adorable, wore cute baby clothes, and probably did some really sweet things as a kid like the rest of us.
This doesn't make them good people, but it shows that they aren't bad people- they're just people. As wildly unpredictable and hard to define as anyone else.

The concepts of good and evil are completely dependent on how you see the world and what you were taught. Would you condemn yourself for something that you perceive as good but your neighbor sees as bad? Would you ever see yourself as anything but the protagonist of your own storyline? Probably not. This struggle to define ourselves and test our own values is how we strive to improve as humans, and I don't believe it is wrong.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Assignment 2 - Jackson Leach

Jackson Leach

Technology has affected my life, along with the lives of many others, drastically in the beginning of this twenty first century. In my opinion, we are now totally reliant on our devices, and the sudden removal of them would cause mass hysteria in panic, which is a frightening notion to me. In a positive way, technology has eased my ability to communicate with my friends and family, which opens up a lot of new possibilities. It helps with planning events, and exchanging ideas and thoughts quickly and in the comfort of my own home, or even on the go. Technology can be used to cause damage however; and has inconvenienced me several times. Social media can be used now as an outlet for emotional damage now, which is bad. Also for me personally, the tools that our modern technology offers for planning are misused, or even not used at all which always bothers me. Overall I think that technology, particularly cellular devices such as smart phones, are the downfall of my generation and ultimately have weakened our society. They have made us so dependent that it is difficult to think for ourselves, and also have made the common populace so falsely informed that it has learned to use its own ignorance as a weapon in modern day politics. I think that me growing up twenty years ago would cause me to have stronger bonds with my friends and family, and would make me smarter and more independent as a whole. If I could chose to have been born in that time period I would do it without a second thought. I think that in the future technology will continue to dominate peoples' lives and cause more and more problems in the world. It's hard to predict what the future will hold but it is certain that the advancement of social technology will create more and more problems for our society. 

Assignment 3 - Naylan James

In my opinion, if one considers something "good" there must be an "evil" to counteract it. For something to be considered "good" there has to be a reason for it to be considered anything other than the norm. For example, if we consider finding a wallet with a bunch of money and returning it to its owner "good", there must be those who wouldn't do this and would instead pocket said money or the woman who returned it would be considered normal. If good were to somehow eliminate evil, good would also be eliminating itself and would become normal, therefore, evil is somewhat necessary so we can truly appreciate those who do good things. Also, our world thrives on what is considered evil; if there were no evil in this world we would all be naive creatures who roam with no fear, no need for protection, and no reason to worry about walking down a dark alley at night. An example of a world with no evil is the movie "The Invention of Lying", where Ricky Gervais plays a writer in a world where nobody ever lies, until he accidentally lies. He is able to basically do whatever he wants, whenever, and wherever. He's able to become a big time writer, he convinces people he knows God, and becomes the richest and most powerful man in the world. This movie demonstrates just what a world where evil is nonexistent would look like, naive and very easy to take advantage of.

Assignment 2 Caroline Couch

Technology has always impacted my life in a positive way ever since I was little I was glued to my little leap pad and now my phone is my primary addiction from the time I wake up with my alarm from my phone to falling asleep to Netflix. 
Technology has also impacted my education since I was in elementary schools with the evolution of projectors to smart boards and from computer labs to classroom iPad sets. Technology used in the classroom makes learning materials 100% easier and more enjoyable for the students. Currently most if not all of my classes use remind which is a texting reminder letting you know that you have an assignment or a test coming up. Technology has made my life easier to say the least, its enabled me to stay in contact with family and friends and it's made it easier to communicate with teachers through email and also colleges with information.
I do not know what I would do without technology in my daily life, I know for certain it would make things a lot more difficult without having access to essentially the whole world at the click of a button. I greatly value technology and all that it provides me with.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Assignment 2- Ben Lambert

Technology has the world more connected today than it has ever been. With the touch of a button, I can communicate with anyone in the world. While this may all seem as if it has a positive impact on life as we know it, with this power comes inconveniences.

Technology, and cell phones alone, take up hours of my day. If I sit down to do my homework, within 30 minutes I find myself glued to my iPhone screen. This mini-computer can make 30-minute tasks turn into 2-hour tasks. As a matter of fact, while writing this very post, I got distracted and started chatting in a group message about politics.

On days where I don't have my phone- whether it's taken, dead, etc,- I find myself to be much more productive in that time frame. I read a book instead of reading my feed on Twitter. I talk to people face-to-face rather than over a screen. I am even in a better mood because I feel that I have accomplished more.

While I do believe that the world is a better place with modern technology, I also believe that we could be falling into a slippery slope. With our phones, people become more and more lazy every day.

Chelsea Avery- Assignment 2

I can remember one specific night a few years ago, my father was in the basement finishing up some things for work. Me, being the nuisance I was, starting asking about all the random things in the office. Discovering a floppy disk, I can recall finding it comical when he explained how they were used as they were already very outdated at that time. Now I wonder how many people actually recognize the 'save' icon on Microsoft Word as a floppy disk.
Technology, we can't live without it. My phone, for example, is the first thing I look at in the morning and the last thing I look at every night. And I know I am not alone in this. But can I, and everyone else who loves their smart phones be criticized for this? Technology can do some pretty amazing things- my favorite being its ability to connect people. With the push of a button I can chat "face to face" with my friends around the country and my family around the world. When in Japan, I FaceTime my friends while wandering around the grocery store (free wifi!). Once back in the states, I call my family in Himeji to catch up. Before, I could only see them every few years when I actually visited them. Now, I can keep them updated-- and they're a little less shocked of how much I've grown.
But while connecting, I feel as though technology also is doing the exact opposite- it's disconnecting. Just yesterday while out with friends, I noticed that every single one of us had our phones in our hands throughout the night. In the future, I won't be surprised if people lose their ability to communicate normally with people face to face. I've witnessed my friends meet people over the internet, then become disappointed when they realize they can't communicate or hold regular conversations in real life (I know, going against what we were taught in our internet safety classes as kids).
Either way you view it, technology is going to ever increasingly affect our lives. In my opinion, it is definitely having some negative impacts on the way we communicate with one another. Sorry, not sorry, I am the one who will call you out for not being able to hold a normal conversation without watching your phone.

Assignment 2- Quinn Andrews

I will be the first to admit I have an addiction to my phone. It's ridiculous. The reason I'm so addicted to my phone though is how much it does for me. My parents are divorced, I have two stepsisters, and at least three aunts I talk to on a regular basis. That alone is a good enough reason but add in crazy schedules and it would be an organizational nightmare to deal with sans cellphones. My dance team schedules an additional practice for Tuesday night, I can text both my mom and dad to tell them (every week, the house I stay at on what day changes) so I know who can take me and pick me up. I want friends over on Friday, I can text my brother to see if he's having his weekly game night. I need to know which teacher to get makeup work from in advance because of a doctor's appointment- I can simply text my mom asking what time we'd have to leave the school. I can text my stepsisters to see if their coming over for dinner on Sunday to see if I need to make extra dessert.Life is complicated, especially when you add in family, dance practices, archery practices, doctor's appointments, work schedules (my sporadic one and my parents'), dinners, parties, birthdays, club meetings, volunteering, as well as college preparation and a social life. I wouldn't be able to handle it if not for my phone. It's a headache to figure out anyway. All of that came from my cellphone. That is why cellphones can be positive, even if people tend to focus on the negative.

Assignment 2- Taylor Hodges

Since I can remember, I have used technology in my life. From watching TV when I was younger to having a phone now. Technology has impacted me (for the most part) in a positive way. Without technology, the plans you could make would be limited and technology has a new way to meet people.
With technology, most people now have a cell phone that they carry around most of the time, especially high schoolers. If we didn't have cell phones, plans would be extremely hard to make. You wouldn't be able to send a text or call someone and say, "Hey do you wanna go to _____?" You'd have to ask them in person which would be hard to do when you have no way to contact them. I don't know how people could possibly make effective plans without technology.
Technology also invented a new way to meet people. There are all kinds of social media now that let you meet plenty of new people. You and someone else could have a mutual friend and you would've never known that if they didn't comment on a picture. You and someone else could have a similar interest and bond over the Internet, but without the internet, you would've never known this person.
Overall, technology has impacted my life in a positive way because plans can be effectively made and it shows you a new way to meet people.

Assignment 2- Angelica Malkowski

The world today is moving faster than ever. (Not literally of course, the earth still orbits the sun at the same rate it always has been.) Society today is ever-changing. A big factor in this accelerated change is technology. With the invention of the Internet, smart phones, etc, technology has become a bigger and bigger part of our lives. If I had lived 20 years ago, I would not have the iPhone I depend on way too much, or probably even my laptop. If I wanted to talk to my friends outside of school I'd have to actually call them. Today, however, if I want to plan a trip to the movies, for example, with a group of friends, I can text all of them at once just by pushing a few "buttons." Since I would not have been able to so readily communicate with my friends 20 years ago, I therefore would not have. This could possible have resulted in teenagers being more independent in general, but it also meant there was less of an outlet for teenagers to rant, discuss, laugh, etc through. (That could be good or bad depending on your outlook.) I'm sure I'd still be close to my friends, but perhaps not as close. Overall, I honestly am glad I live in the time period that I do, even if I could live in any time period. I greatly enjoy having comforts such as air conditioning, wifi, and television. I love my smart phone and all the things I can do with it. I love the extracurriculars I am involved in the way they are now (for example I am in marching band, which has changed a lot in the past 20 years).

Caden Reynolds Assignment 2

In modern society, technology is a growing factor in all of our lives. From when we wake up to the sound of our alarm clock, to going to watch some morning television, to getting the GPS directions to where you are going that day.  Us as humans have an attachment to technology and we rely on it to control our lives. I never go a day without using technology and I doubt there will be a day that I don't.
          Many people believe our modern society relies on technology more than we should. I disagree, every day technology positively impacts me. I feel they fail to recognize the good qualities that come from technology. I consider myself a very curious person and I find myself googling whatever I am thinking about at the moment very often. In the past, people would rely on books or their own knowledge to complete schoolwork. Today, everything has changed, I may be assigned a paper on the life of Abraham Lincoln. Instead of having to go to the library and buy books on Lincoln, I have all the information I need right at my fingertips.
Technology allows you to connect with anyone and everything whenever you want. I communicate with friends everyday through a quick text, call, snapchat, dm, etc. It allows humans to be more globalized. As an American teenager, one would assume that I use my phone a lot for social media purposes. I enjoy to keep up with modern trends and following what is going on in the world. All of my classes have a smart board, and advanced technological tool used by many schools in America because it positively impacts their students.
                I would say overall, technology impacts my life positively every day. I can’t imagine my life without the use of technology.

Assignment 2 Connor Haney

It is a massive understatement to say that technology has just merely changed the lives of everybody in the world as well as mine. It has definitely changed my life in a positive way, and positively in ways for the rest of the world. In today's society, technology is used virtually everywhere, and without it, more people than not wouldn't know what to do with their lives.

Technology in my life has definitely been a positive impact. I practically use technology every day in my life in one way or another. Whether this be on my phone, listening to music, or just watching TV. In today's society, technology is being used practically every minute of every day. Through emails, social media, concerts, or even just looking at a computer, technology is continuously being used.

To answer the question if technology has majorly affected me in a positive way, it has. It allows me to keep up with current events, it allows me to be able to communicate with teachers, friends, and coaches with ease within this computerized world,  and it allows me to easily look up things that I don't know. Technology has helped me through tough times in a very technologically advanced world in this time period today.

Assignment 2 - Ella Franklin

If I had grown up 20 years ago, I would be about $899 richer.

In May of this year, I was at a friend's house working on the lengthy literary devices scrapbook assigned by Mr. Behler. I had a glass of water on the table next to my laptop, and as I reached over to point something on my friend's screen next to mine, my elbow bumped the glass and spilled water across the keyboard of the laptop I had bought only 6 months prior.

I lost all of my progress on the devices scrapbook and, after multiple trips to the Apple Store, about $899 that I had to spend on a new laptop.

That's not to say I dislike technology. I am a proud Spotify Premium user. I frequently venture to online shopping rather than doing my homework. I had to disable receiving texts on my computer because it distracted me too much. I Google when I don't know. I am a child of technology.

If I grew up without technology, I think I would know the meaning of hard work. Search engines have made research and assignments too easy for our generation. If I don't know how to factor a problem on my calc homework, I will Google "2x^2+6x+14 factor." I'm not proud of it. It makes homework more expedient, granted, but do I feel like I've had a mental workout after googling the solution to a simple factoring problem? Not at all!! I'm ashamed! And, if I don't know the answer to an APUSH unit question, I'll just text my friends. With technology, we don't find answers, we get them.

In the realm of relationships, I think I would be equally as close to my close friends with or without technology. With the exception of a few long-distance friends, I've met all of my friends in real life and see them every day at school. Technology hasn't made us any more or any less close. But, in the context of casual every day encounters, technology has made us more distant. I might never know what friends I could have made if I hadn't been on my phone instead of saying hi to them or listened to music to avoid small talk.

Technology has connected our society like a spider web - granted, we are more connected, but the web of our connection is thin and fragile, and in some ways makes us further apart than ever before.

Henry Macfarlan- Assignment 2

Technology has affected me in a major way as whether we like to admit it or not, we are surrounded by it.  Being constantly immersed in technology creates a sense of entitlement in everyone.  We feel that everything should be at our fingertips, and while a sense of entitlement is rarely good, it is far from the worst thing to have the knowledge of the world at your fingertips.  Growing up with easily accessible technology has allowed me to learn things quickly and conveniently.  If I ever do not know something or want to learn about something it is as simple as pulling a device out of my pocket and typing a question into it.  This easily accessible knowledge, I believe, is allowing people to become more diverse in their knowledge of the world as it is very easy to learn about any given thing at any given time.  However, this requires a drive to learn, or else technology can just as easily but used to look at instagram all day and serve no actual purpose in bettering yourself.

Assignment 2- Sabrina Lozada

If I had been born 20 years, I think it would be reasonable to say I would be 1. More amazed with Technological advancements and 2. Have a harder time with technology. Whenever I talk  to someone older about technology they will gush about how far technology has come or how they sometimes have a hard time navigating technology.
Compare kids born within the last 5-10 years to those of older generations. Whenever you go out, at least in my experience, you are bound to see 7 year olds on iPhones. They don't seem to be baffled by how far technology has come and honestly  probably don't give it a thought. They appear to be immune to the amount of information and potential they can fit between their grubby little hands. They also know how to navigate through iPhones in a blink of an eye. Whereas older generations seem to have a harder time.
The interaction between others 20 years ago  would definitely be stronger than that of those of future generations. If you were to place a group  born within the past 5-10 years in a room with their phones  and a group of  people born 20 years ago in another, you  would be amazed at the difference between the interactions in those two rooms. The one with the older generation might get on their phones, but they would more than likely begin to speak to one another, introduce themselves, and end up knowing a fact about one another. The younger generation might look at eachother in acknowledgement then proceed to look at through their phones the rest of the time. Because the older generation grew up in a less advanced time period, they grew less dependent on technology and grew up in a time where they were much more reliant on face to face interaction.
I think that generations born in the last 15-20 years are better off because they get a good balance where they have social skills and are able to have access to technology.

Assignment 2: Charlotte Kessinger

 From VRC players in 2000 to high tech computers today, technology has always been a large part of my life.  Technology enables us to maintain contact with people, research topics, stay up to date on the news and is a source of entertainment for many people. In my own life everyday i wake up and the first thing I do is look at social media such as Instagram or Twitter. By doing this I am able to see what my friends in France or California did last night, the overnight breaking needs, check the weather and check up on my friends all with the scroll of a finger while sitting in my bed. Also over the summer before sophomore year, technology allowed me to complete an online health course so I could recieve my credit. Students all over the world have the chance to improve their education through online classes with the help of technology. Technology also provides me with a sense of security. When I'm home alone or out in public with friends, having my phone with me makes me feel safe knowing that my mom or help is only a call away.
However, technology has its downsides. Today, we are so dependent on technology that it takes away from relationships and interactions. People sometimes worry so much about what is happening online that they are removed from reality. For example if you go out to dinner with your friends and everyone is sitting silent on their phones, they are missing out on a chance for a meaningful conversation. With messaging and social media comes bullying. Behind a screen some people feel more powerful and less afraid to say things to another person if it isn't to their face and rather online.
If I had been born in 1980 I feel that technology might not have as big of a presence in my life as being born in 2000. Ever since I was born I can remember having a computer in my house, cell phones and TVs so I have become used to its prescene and even started to rely on it. I feel that if i was born when technology's presence was not as large, I would be used to life without technology I wouldn't take it for granted like I do today.
Over the next few decades I think technology will change our lives greatly. Researches will be able to find a cure for diseases such as cancer that affect so many people today. Cars will be more environmentally friendly. Education will be improved. With new advancements everyday in technology we are finding ways to erase our inconveniences and make life easier so I think the future will rely on technology to help them live easier stress free lives.

Assignment 3: Come to the dark side, Rey!

The news does not shy away from stories that show the moral flaws of humanity. Read any newspaper and there is always something about the latest crime in its pages. Every so often though, we are fortunate enough to hear stories of people who still want to do the right thing. For instance, Leah Kleppinger recently found a wallet when no one else was around. When she opened it, she saw $4,600 in cash and credit cards and had every opportunity to pocket it, but instead returned it to its owner.

But just because we hear about bad things and nice things happening does that mean there is a true battle versus good and evil? Is Leah Kleppinger the epitome of good while someone who would have kept the wallet the definition of evil?'re prompt for the week:

Do you believe in absolute good and evil? Is it as clear cut as Harry Potter versus Voldemort, the Sith versus the Jedi? Is there no war at all between good and evil; is there just this gray area where sometimes good people do bad things? Are good and evil even things that have to exist? Can one eliminate the other once and for all? What is evil? What is good?

Use examples when applicable, tell a story to illustrate your point, show causation - whatever you decide to say about it, explain yourself.

Your post will be due by Sunday September 4th 11:59 pm

October 16th will be the last day to make up blogs 1-8

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Assignment 2- Colton Warner

On Thursday night, I drove up to Columbus to meet my friend from camp that I hadn't seen in over a year. We arranged this meeting months ago via text because Flume was in Columbus and we both wanted to see his concert. I bought my tickets on my phone in World History last year before they sold out (I think we were watching Pacific Rim, so I don't feel guilty) We went to the concert, and the artist used only technology to make his sounds, We ubered back to his house and the next day we used maps to tour around Columbus and OSU -we were mistaken for Freshman and given a bunch of free stuff. To get home today, I bought a greyhound ticket on my friend's computer and this morning I got on my bus to get home with my ticket. Currently I have a layover in Cincinnati, so 30 minutes ago I googled places to go in Cincinnati and ubered to this coffee shop where I am right now. In 20 minutes at the coffee shop I think I have heard the word "Chai" spoken 100 times- it's starting to get annoying. 
Overall, technology has made this trip possible and it almost surely would not have happened if the internet wasn't a thing. I love the aspect of technology that brings people together, but often I find it actually just separates all of us. 
For example, at the concert, at points, I saw hundreds of snapchats being taken at once. Lots of the people at the concert really weren't even listening, they were showing people where they were and weren't appreciating what was happening in front of them. The problem with it all is that it takes away from right now. Also, social media separates us more than connects. It takes up so much time that we could be doing something interesting with (Disclaimer: I do have social media and took three snapchats at the concert, so I'm being hypocritical). 
I try to only use it to contact people, but it's all about self control and its hard to stop smoking when you have a cigarette within a 10 foot radius at all times.  

Friday, August 26, 2016

Assignment 2: Claire Telfer

To say that technology is a big part of our lives today would be an immense understatement. Technology controls our lives and maps out the way we live each and every day. The robot takeover is already upon us, but it's not the worst thing in the world. For one, technology allows our social lives to flourish with the ability to connect to people across the world.

Twenty years ago, wow, which was only 1996, is light years behind our current capabilities with our handheld devices and computers. My parents argue all the time that I don't spend enough time outside meeting people, but I'm on social media connecting to people that I met years ago but still keep in touch with. Technology also allows me to follow people that share common interests with me. Social media has allowed me to be more myself and allowed other people to see my life. It's become a large part of my routine and it keeps me sane. Maybe the way I interact with people would have been different, but so many of the things I talk to people about comes from the ability to access the World Wide Web. To think that people wouldn't get meme and Vine references would truly be a disservice to society. 

Although twenty years ago I could've read more books in a year than I've read in my entire life, I read articles and blogs all the time on my phone. They're not always the most informative about world issues, but they have a way of relating to my interests and issues. If I lived in 1996, I could spend more time playing sports, learning another language, and playing piano like I used to, but teenagers are the same as they used to be. Teenagers back then were lazy and still are today with or without technology. 

Honestly, I would rather have lived twenty years ago because I could consider myself a 90's kid. Being born in 2000 will always be the biggest regret of my life. I could have had a better ACT Reading score and chastised teens today for spending too much time on their phones. However, technology has benefitted us in so many more ways than what first comes to mind. The advantages outweigh the consequences and technology is just a way for humans to evolve and push onwards and upwards to the future. It's time for people to just let it happen. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Assignment 2 - Christian Lauritzen

    For myself, and I would posit many others, technology is the cornerstone by which my peers and I socialize, learn, entertain ourselves, and to some degree operate as human beings.  However technology has most likely influenced me more so than others because of my predisposition towards electronic entertainment.  Put in more specific terms, I am a nerd, the kind who enjoys computer games, window shopping the latest in random (and quite often useless) new gadgets, and consuming content that is filed under that genre.  I enjoy watching dozens of reviews on tech I would likely never even purchase, I follow the newest trends in hardware development, and am generally excited by the future of technology.

    For me personally, this began at the beginning of 7th grade when I purchased my own custom built PC.  From there my love of technology has only grown.  I periodically order and replace parts of my computer, I splurge for special peripherals (for example, the mouse I am using as I type this has 14 buttons), and generally keep up with newest advances in computing technology.  With these additional aspects added to my free time, along with video games, the purpose for which I acquired a computer more than the average Dell or Lenovo PC, my free time has become uniquely advanced in my own way, not to mention the fact that many of my friends join me in these respects.

    In terms of negative experiences, when I was still new to the world of efficiently managing my time, I let my computer and my phone get in the way of grades, but a brief probation period and some inward inspection on my part quickly resolved this dilemma and left me more responsible for it.  However this is a recurring issue for many, adolescent and adult alike, in that technology can get in the way of responsibility, leading many to speculate that powering down and disconnecting leads to a more healthy lifestyle, but I respectfully disagree.  The increase to productivity and connectivity that high speed internet and quickly advancing technology has brought to humanity has not only improved the us a race, but generally makes life easier.  How many times have you found that simply having the largest database of information in the history of the world in your pocket rather useful?  Or what about being able to capture and store ultra high quality images on a device that weighs as much as a small book and is about the size of a credit card?  You wouldn't enjoy taking selfies with a camera that took 30 minutes of sitting still to develop.  Not to mention banking, internet videos, Netflix, social media, the news, etc. all literally at your fingertips at any time.

    I can see why some people claim they were "born in the wrong generation" (even though that phrase drives me to no limits of headache) as humanity divulges towards a "less social" world, thought some could say more social than ever, however it makes the situation of people like me unique.  When 20 years ago, people who enjoyed super heroes and video games and table top games would've been ridiculed and shunned from teenage, and to some degree adult, society as a whole, I can follow my interests and maintain a fairly large amount of friends without being alienated as a shut-in who likes my tech more than my friends.  Considering most of my friends I interact with through online voice chat services, no I would not like living 20 years ago relative to today.  In fact relative to the question of which time period you would like to live in, please refer to this graph:

In terms of speculation on where technology is headed, I think the biggest advancement we will see in the next decade is the seamless integration of computer systems into our everyday lives.  We already have complex computers controlling the entertainment systems of our cars and houses, and we are also seeing the development of VR and Augmented Reality devices like the Oculus Rift and the Microsoft HoloLens.  While seeing people with a Google glass may have seemed stupid a couple of years ago (if you even saw them on account of how expensive they were), having a HUD (Heads Up Display) on your life in the future may not seem like such a strange prospect in 10 years.

Credit for the graph goes to CGP Grey, I took it from this video.  He does short educational videos that I find highly entertaining, and I would highly recommend him.

Shelby Amato- Assignment 2

Like it has for so many people, technology changed the way I live my life. To clarify, my idea of technology began to develop around 2008, a while after iPhones were introduced and hit the mainstream market. Obviously, technological development in the broader sense is the reason for our civilization- thank god for the inventor of the wheel. But I digress. The development of these phones and the apps and abilities that came with them changed the way I talked to people. After switching schools and meeting new people while remembering the old, the eventual ability to text, snapchat, DM, post, like, comment, call, FaceTime, Skype, email and more all from one device allowed me to foster connections that would have been lost in a time before this ability. As a kid or a teenager, keeping up with loved ones is easier when it doesn't involve postage stamps. Modern technology has allowed me to maintain important friendships and connections with family members that I would not have otherwise been able to keep. I feel secure in relationships that wouldn't exist without my cell phone and I feel secure in the knowledge that all my important contacts are instantly available.

Not only can I call my mom or snapchat my cousin or FaceTime my oldest friend, but I can call 911 with one swipe and 5 taps. I can unlock my phone by fingerprint and type "SOS" before most people can count to 10. My mom can find my location using cell towers with use of an app, and I can locate my phone from hers if mine is stolen- something that has happened twice in 4 years.

All in all, technology has made my life what I want it to be. I can choose not to miss the people I love, and that's the most positive impact I can think of for any modern invention.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Assignment 1 - Ella Franklin

Howdy - Ella Franklin

Hi I'm Ella Franklin!

My favorite thing I did all summer was hanging out with friends. I made some new friends in summer gym, as miserable as it was, and also volunteered some at the Living Arts and Science Center, where helped little kids paint all day. I also went to debate camp, which I did not enjoy. I failed my driver's test twice over the summer, so I spent many evenings at the DMV parallel parking. I passed on my third time.

If I had a superpower, it would be mind-reading so I could sense when someone was about to ask me what superpower I would have if I could have a superpower so I could leave before they ask me the question. It's impossible to come up with a unique answer for it and it doesn't tell you anything about me. :)

My personal an academic goals for this year are, first and foremost, to get straight A's. Aside from that, I want to find some extracurriculars that I really enjoy and commit to them wholeheartedly. I'd like to think my underclassmen years have been experimentation and now it's time to settle down.

PICTURE: This is my favorite picture from this summer. I have a camera of my own, but sometimes I pass it to someone else if I want a picture of myself. My brother criticizes me for just having a professional camera for better Instagrams, but that's just his pretense kicking in. I just don't like to live behind the camera. Anyways, the picture is of Emily Salamanca and me. We hung out a lot over the summer because she can drive and I failed my test twice so if I wanted to go to Common Grounds she could take me. I think this is somewhat a thesis of the summer. It was taken at Wal-Mart, which is ratty and fluorescents make for terrible lighting but that's just where life had taken me and I wanted to capture it!

This is the website of the NY Times video channel of Bill Cunningham. Cunningham is an amazing photographer who brought the runway to the streets. Before he started, no one was documenting fashion that wasn't only on the runway. When Cunningham was given his first camera by fellow photographer David Montgomery, who told him, "Use it like a notebook." He took to the streets and began photographing the fashion. Anything he saw and liked he photographed. He was the most important wallflower of New York. Never accepting a meal at a dinner party he attended, there to do his job and only his job. For someone who entirely changed where we see fashion, to show us that the models aren't just on the runway but are inside all of us, he was unnecessarily modest. This website is the videos he does to correspond with his daily spread in the NY Times. Mr. Cunningham died in June of this year, but his impact on fashion stays strong yet silent. (That sounds like a canned obituary for Bill Cunningham but I promise it's my genuine opinion.) The videos are really amazing in how he connects the patterns he sees throughout a giving week, it's worth checking out.


Monday, August 22, 2016

Rebekah George Assignment 2

   I can name so many things that I think technology of the future will do and that I want it to do. Though, it may take more than a decade for technology to meet my dreams of a Sci-Fi wonderland, I shall explain nonetheless.

First of all, AI sounds riveting. Imagining something that can communicate with humans endlessly by means of algorithms and actually learning like the human brain fascinates me. Hollywood has made this dream of mine seem very “Terminator: Judgement Day apocalypse” and “nothing is real Matrix-y”, but what’s the worst that can happen? I am quite sure those have been the famous last words of far too many, but I’m willing to accept the consequences. Ultron may have turned out to be an evil death-bot; however, perhaps we can just virtually cuddle our artificially intelligent brethren into submission.

In the future, I also imagine that video games will continue to become more and more interactive. Those face-mask things that “immerse” you in the world of whatever already exist, so who’s to say will come next? Again, Hollywood and the small screen want to convince us that this can also only end in disaster (i.e. Sword Art Online and Spy Kids: Game Over). Personally, neither of these things seem all that bad to me. Everything worked out in Spy Kids, and things just got cooler in Sword Art Online (they got freaking guns. Guns!) It’s sort of ironic that I’m excited about this, as I’m decidedly for stricter gun laws. But, it’s just a video game, so who cares?        

Assignment 2 - Naylan James

Since I can remember I have used technology. From watching VCRs as a baby to playing FIFA now, as a 16 year old. Of course there are positives and negatives to technology, but, in my opinion, I have (the majority of times) been positively affected by technology. I know people constantly say, "Kids are on their phones too much." or "Kids never go out anymore." But in my dealings, I've noticed that by having a phone and an xbox I've been able to make more friends, more connections, and, thus, been able to make more plans with people. For instance, a group of people I play basketball with in reality, I met largely thanks to playing basketball with them virtually, on 2K16. Also, having a phone allows me to quickly send a text to a couple friends and say things like "Hey do you wanna go ____?" whereas, without technology I wouldn't be able to make plans in advance like this, and wouldn't be able to see if I was gonna actually have people to go hang with. As well as allowing me to develop my social life, technology has allowed me to relax from things, like homework, when I feel stressed or overwhelmed.

Assignment 1 Caden Reynolds

             My name is Caden Reynolds and this will be my third year in the Henry Clay Academy. Before Henry Clay I attended Tates Creek Middle School. I have lived in Lexington my whole life. When I was young, I would play basketball and baseball year round. I enjoyed both sports very much and thought I would continue to play them throughout high school. But by my freshman year of high school, I had quit both sports and was playing lacrosse and running cross country for Henry Clay. 
This summer I traveled to Chicago and Maryland with my lacrosse team, the Commonwealth Kings. I enjoy traveling and seeing other places. This fall, I will be taking a trip with my family to various places in Italy, Greece, and Montenegro. I also enjoy going to the lake very much. I enjoy boating, water sports like skiing and tubing, as well as swimming with friends and family.
                My academic goals this year is to get all A’s both semesters. I realize that junior year is the most challenging year of high school and I feel that I will have to put much more effort into my school work this year than the previous two years.

                I would say my favorite website is because I enjoy watching and checking sports scores and statistics. 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Assignment 1: Tommy Czuhajewski

Hello my name is Tommy Czuhajewski, but will respond to Mike Wazowski if called that, and I am 16 years old. I was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan and lived there for the first three years of my life. We moved to Lexington when my mom got a new job, and have been here ever since. I have a brother who is 7 years older than me, and a sister who is 10, so I'm practically an only child. I have played baseball since I was 4 years old, and now play for Henry Clay, but my other hobbies include astronomy and stand up comedy. My list of stand up comedians I like could go on forever, but a few are George Carlin, Louis C.K., Mike Birbiglia, and Demetri Martin. If i were to pick any superpower to have it would be the ability to control time because it would be an easy way to mess with people. Academically my goals this year is to get good grades in all my classes and to pass all of my AP tests.

My summer consisted of almost entirely baseball which actually allowed me to travel more than I would have without it. The farthest I traveled was Raleigh, North Carolina where I was able to see beautiful mountains there.

Websites that I regularly attend are - Allows me to find new, interesting things - Entertainment

And this is a baby picture of me.

Assignment 1: Jackson Leach

Hi, my name is Jackson Leach, I am 16 and I live in Lexington, Kentucky. I live with two sisters, two parents, a dog and a cat. I am the oldest sibling in my family. I run cross country and am planning to play lacrosse in the spring. My favorite sport to watch is football, and I like the Cincinnati Bengals. My personal goals for this school year are to stay organized and focused at home and at school, and my academic goals are to get all A's in the first and second semester as well as get a good score on my ACT tests. This summer I went on a trip in June to the Southwest region with several of my friends from middle school. We visited Zion National Park in Utah and stayed on a houseboat for several days on Lake Powell in Arizona. During that trip I had the most meaningful moment of my summer, when several of my friends and I hiked to the top of a mountain from where our houseboat was tied up. It took us nearly an hour to reach the top, and the view was unforgettable. We took many cool pictures and saw a lot of cool wildlife and many cool rocks. We even saw mountain lion tracks. If I could pick any superpower it would probably be the ability to fly, because that would create a quick way to get around and also make a quick escape from awkward situations. Also flying would be really cool and would feel like riding a roller coaster except it would be much better.
This picture is of for rolling over the hills from the pacific ocean. I took it one morning when camping on Angel Island. It captures the fog coming into the bay. 

This link is the link to fantasy football on ESPN, which I enjoy playing.

Assignment 1: Taylor Hodges

Haha hi. My names Taylor Hodges and I was born December 13,1999 in Lexington, KY. My parents are not together, so I go from Fayette County to Scott County on the daily. It's pretty great, if I do say so myself. I get two of everything. Two birthdays, two Christmas's, two Thanksgivings, etc. I have 2 older brothers who are great. Which is very unusual to head because most people say that their siblings are annoying haha. My brothers and I have a great relationship. Except one lives in New York so I'm pretty jealous of him because my dream is going to New York. The other one is a Senior at EKU, so he's around a lot. At my fathers house, I have 2 dogs and they are the most amazing dogs anyone can have, but very needy. I love them to death.

This school year, my goal is to pass all my AP tests and beat my brothers GPA. We've always been in a competition to see who can get the highest GPA. I've beat him the past two years so I have to keep the winning streak going.

Trying to chose a superpower is something I've been asked a million times, and each time I never know what to say. Flying, super strength, and being able to control time are all some cool things to be able to do, but my superpower would have to be invisibility. You could mess with people and they wouldn't know where it was coming from and look crazy. That sounds so funny to do, so I'd have to choose invisibility.

This year, I took my first summer vacation and it was great. My father and I went with his girlfriends family to Florida and I had to fly for my first time which was terrible. Flying is not my thing. We went to the beach everyday and I learned that sand gets EVERYWHERE and never goes away. I saw a dolphin and manatees swimming ahead of me and immediately got out, but it was still a cool sight to see. The vacation with my father was so amazing and I'm glad we got to experience it together.
This is a cute picture of my father and I at the pier:

I guess my favorite website is Netflix because I'm on it 24/7:

Asssignment 1: Caroline Couch

Hey! My name is Caroline Couch (like the furniture) I was born in Lexington and then I moved to New York for two years because of my dads job then we moved back to Lexington where I then attended Cassidy Elementary which feeded into Morton middle School and then despite the fact that my parents wanted me to go to Lexington Catholic since i was little i decided to further my education at Henry Clay in the Academy. My personal goals for the time being is to get through junior year while doing two fall sports (Cross-country and soccer) and maintain good grades. I also wish to have a successful GPA as well as good ACT and SAT scores. 

This summer I spent a week with my cousins in Charlotte, North Carolina and helped my aunt with her non profit organization she founded, called Share Charlotte (which is going global this upcoming year). If I had a super power it would be the ability to fly, because I feel I would be able to save so much time and also I would not have to spend money on gas.

 What "Geeks me out" is the stand up comedian John Mulaney who if you haven't seen he is on netflix and he is the funniest person alive. What also geeks me is looking up endless vines of my favorite soccer player Antoine Greizmann. I don't use the internet that much but when I do I use; and I am going to share a photo of my dog with you because she is adorable and worth mentioning so this is Derby.

Henry Macfarlan- Assignment 1

  • My name is Henry Macfarlan, I was born March 11, 2000 in Lexington, Kentucky to Lissa and David Macfarlan, and I have lived here to this day.  My goals for this year are to not only maintain my GPA and score well on my AP tests, but I also want to invest myself in my classes more this year.  I want to really try to gain mastery of the subject I am learning rather then just pass a class.  Striving for mastery will not only help me achieve an A and a good AP score, if there is one to be had, but will also allow me to enjoy learning the subject more.  If I had any super power, it would be to fly, as it is one of the only super powers with no glaringly apparent side effects.  If you can read everyones mind you will eventually drive yourself crazy.  The ability to fly, however, would allow me to live my normal life with the added bonus of leaving the ground when I see it fit. My favorite things to study are history, but I geek out while on a bend to learn to do something or while trying to better myself by learning about whatever I happen to have on my mind.  This summer was meaningful not in a single moment but because I was not only able to spend extensive amounts of time with my friends but I was also able to spend some of the hours of the day trying to teach myself something new.  For instance I spent a few weeks in the beginning of the summer trying to do woodwork.   Doing things like carving, because it was something that interested me so I spent a strange amount of time trying to teach myself to whittle.  What I geek out about is finding a new and interesting subject and trying to learn as much as possible about it.

Assignment 1 - Christian Lauritzen

     Hello, (obligatory) my name is Christian, and I enjoy both science (ranging anywhere from computers to physics) and history in school.  In my free time, I partake in nerd culture by reading, playing video games, watching TV shows and movies, etc.
     In school this year, I am hoping to get a 4.0 GPA and 5s on my 5 AP tests in hope I get enough credit to test out of my first year of college (it's expensive, yo).
     This summer, my most meaningful experience was probably going to one of my favorite places in the world, VAMPY.  It is a camp for 3 weeks at WKU where you take a class and join a wonderful community.  This was my last year going this year, and as such I was afforded certain privileges like being one of six campers to host the talent show at the end of camp.  I have made hundreds of friends, campers and counselors, over the course of this camp and I was sad to say goodbye to it for one last time.  I hope to be a counselor there when my time comes.
     If I could have any super power, it would probably be some sort of telepathy.  Being able to read (or even control) people's minds would come in handy in so many situations, though that power may be considered slightly unethical.
     For my website, I present the best social media site known to mankind, and easily one of the locations I have learned the most from:

     This site offers a community for almost anything you could possibly think of.  Want to browse pictures of worlds on the back of Turtles?  Then would suit you well.  Want to participate in the biggest Secret Santa on record?  Of course you would go to  Maybe you want to see live interviews with famous or interesting people, with anyone being able to ask them questions.  Your subreddit would be There is a subreddit for everything that interests you, from movies, to books, to science, to video games, to sports teams, and the list goes on.  You would be affording yourself a great pleasure to get involved with the community and subscribe to some great content.

    For my picture, here is me sitting in the Saturn V rocket cockpit at the Space Center in Huntsville.

Assignment 1 Sabrina Lozada

Hello, My name is Sabrina and I am 16 years old. A personal goal I have for myself is to learn as many languages as I possibly can. I have always had an interest for other cultures. That being said I am currently taking French at school, but since it is too easy (sounds cocky) I decided to pick up Korean. I don't really know if I will struggle a bit with it yet since I just had my first lesson which consisted of basic introductions. As for a academic goal I am striving for a 5 on the AP French exam (and of course my other four AP classes which should be a blast) because it is a very hard test to get a 5 on.

This summer I didn't do much. I got to volunteer at a camp for kids that learned English as a second language. It was a very neat experience and is probably the four most exciting weeks of my summer. I will probably volunteer there next summer ( at least one week).

If I could have any superpower it would be the ability to fly. I think it would be fun and relaxing to soar through the sky. If I have a lot of homework I can go fly around. If I'm bored I can go fly around.  Personally I love roller coasters and I think you could get that same feel if you could fly.

Somethings I love are horror movies. Actually, I love anything horror related. The most recent horror movie I went to see at the movies is Lights Out and it was pretty darn good. I had been looking forward to it since I saw they were making it. My favorite might be the Japanese version of The Grudge. I thought it was pretty well made and spooky enough without having an awful plot twist like The Boy (that movie was just awful and it appeared like they ran out of ideas and just made an irrelevant ending just to end it). I also love Harry Potter very much. My favorite is the fourth book (I don't know why it just is). I also enjoy playing my viola during my "free" time.

That being said I really enjoy listening to Lore which is a horror podcast :

And my favorite picture I took in Deauville, France

Assignment 1 Connor Haney

Hi, my name is Connor Haney. I'm 16 years old and was born on August 8, 2000. I was born in Lexington and have lived here my entire life. I grew up going to Veterans Park Elementary, then to Tates Creek Middle in the Accelerated Program, and now here at Henry Clay. I play lacrosse for Henry Clay and have been playing lacrosse ever since my seventh grade year. What I want out of this year is to be able to get a 5 on all of my AP tests, or at least pass them, while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. The most meaningful moment of my summer was definitely getting my first email from a college lacrosse coach saying they were interested in me going and playing for them. If I had any superpower it would definitely be to manipulate time, just so I would be able to go back and fix some of the mistakes I've made in my life, as well as fast-forward into the future and see where I am 30 or even 40 years from now. Something that geeks me out is definitely the show "The League," or "Silicon Valley" as they are my two favorite shows. My favorite website would definitely have to be just because I am able to watch my favorite show as well as other great shows and movies. Below is a picture of my dog, Molly as we got her.

Assignment 1- Angelica Malkowski

Hi! My name is Angelica Malkowski and the first thing you should know about me is that I am in band. I play oboe in Wind Ensemble and clarinet in marching band. Although band takes up a huge part of my life (we have a love-hate relationship, really), I am still very invested in my normal academic life. My goals this year include passing all five (!) of my AP tests (hopefully with 4s and 5s, but AP Physics and AP French might be challenging), maintaining all As, and becoming semi fluent in French (I think passing the AP French test would meet that goal?). I also have a personal goal of not succumbing to the stress that has already begun due to said five AP classes as well as band.
Enough of that, let’s go back to a (slightly) less stressful time: summer vacation. My favorite thing this summer would probably have to be going to Chicago to visit family and colleges. Although it was also very nice to finally come home and see my dog (CoCo) again!!

If I could have any superpower, it would be telekinesis. That way I could turn off the lights, get something I need, etc. without getting up (I’m lazy, I know)! However I think it’s for the best that superpowers aren’t real, or I would probably be overweight from all the times I wouldn’t have to get up!

In summation, the things that geek me out the most are band (not to be confused with bands, although I definitely enjoy listening to music too), movies (mostly Marvel), TV shows (mostly DC), and Hamilton (and other musicals). I don't get on a lot of websites frequently, but I do find myself wasting way too much time on (mostly on pointless videos like clips from the Jimmy Fallon show, etc....). Below is a picture of my adorable dog CoCo because she is actually the cutest dog in the world.