Sunday, September 18, 2016
This image depicts a tibetan monk who has poured gasoline on himself and then proceeded to light himself on fire in a public place.  This photo was taken in 1963 in vietnam.  The monk was protesting the prosecution of Buddhist in south vietnam.  This image is importent as it is extremely disturbing, in the photo a man is killing himself in one of the most horrific ways possible.  However, as a result of his sacrifice he was able to call attention to his cause, and try to alleviate some of the persecution of the Buddhist faith in south vietnam.  Outside of the frame of the photograph there are other monks and many people gathered around watching in horror.  This again is important as it brings light to some of the atrocities that few people knew about in south vietnam.  By sacrificing himself, this monk was able to call attention to a subject that was falling by the way side, and he was able to try to help some of his fellow monks and free them from persecution.

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