Thursday, September 1, 2016

Assignment #3- Colton Warner

A radical polytheist walks down the street and sees a little kid riding a bike. Children riding bikes is against his beliefs, so he goes over and sticks his polytheistic, metal wand into the kids bike wheels. The bike flips over, hurling the kid several feet onto the new sidewalk. He lies on the ground in insufferable pain. Road rash and scars will cover his body for years and alienate him in his school.  
"Dude, why the frigg did that guy just do that?" two frat boys mutter after witnessing the encounter, "Man, that's some evil ish" 
I don't believe that people purposefully do evil things to be evil. I think everyone is good, at least in their own eyes, so they can sleep at night. 
In the two frat guys' minds, this polytheist is some creepy man with a robe that does evil because he is evil. 
The Polytheist thinks that the boy riding the bike is also evil and tries to stop it to be a good person. 
This whole situation deals completely with belief systems. I think we all think we are good, and those that don't agree with our beliefs are bad. If everyone has different beliefs that make them feel good as a person striving for those beliefs, I guess there is either no evil or everything is evil. The problem is the polarized belief systems that have built up in different cultures for history clash and create violence. My belief system says that terrorists are evil, and they think I'm evil, so I guess it only stops when one common belief system is adopted- which probably will never happen, so "evil" in everyone's eyes will persist. That friggin' sucks, but maybe one day it will somehow end when some truth is revealed.  

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