Sunday, January 22, 2017

Rebekah George Assignment 19

It seems that most roads lead back to world domination. Fortunately, this prompt does as well. The best advice I have ever received came not by the spoken words of some important figure in my life or a quote from someone I admire. No, this advice came from the depths of the interwebs (i.e. Tumblr).

“Knowledge is power, power corrupts. Study hard, be evil.” –Anonymous

As per the last blog—my bucket list—the end goal here is world domination. I’m assuming that you have to be at least a little evil to pursue a goal so lofty. Anyway, I also figure that learning things can only aid me in my conquests. Julius Caesar conquered places, and he learned in a school-ish setting. I suppose this advice also gives me hope. Considering that my least favourite place on (quite literally) all of planet earth is school—a disgusting cesspool of ridiculous expectations and undiagnosed mental disorders—the idea that my goals can be accomplished by applying myself to an institution which I abhor helps me sleep at night. Of course I think learning is important, but the schooling system in America has managed to corrupt even the purest of endeavors (surprise, surprise).

This advice grants me the strength I require to get through the day at school. It pushes me to apply myself even when I really, really, really, really don’t want to. And I’m sure those who happen upon the ravings of this decidedly odd seventeen-year-old probably wonder if I am either a. insane or b. a force to be reckoned with—the answer to your question is “yes;” however, this oddly insane force of darkness is an educated and oddly dark mess of insanity. So, good sir (or madam), learn all that you can. A love of learning will enhance your life, I assure you. And it might just save you too.  

1 comment:

  1. This marks a new era, in which all future blog posts will somehow relate to world domination. You're welcome.


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