Sunday, January 22, 2017

henry macfarlan- Assignment 17

The director i chose to compare to films was Quentin Tarantino, as his films are notorious for carrying themes and motifs across multiple works.  The two films i will be comparing are reservoir dogs and Tarantino's most recent release, The Hate full 8 . These films are both films in which key pieces of evidence, that provide for the events that occurred prior to the film.  Both films reveal these pieces of evidence through flash backs.  Both films open in the middle of the action, leaving the audience scrambling to find out what is happening.  In these films, some sort of murder has occurred, alongside a series of wrong doings.  While the audience is left confused by a cold open, the characters are not far from the audience.  In both, the audience follows a character who is also struggling to discover what is happening.  In reservoir dogs, the audience follows a bank robber who hardly knows his accomplices and is left confused when a job goes poorly and some of his colleges are left dead.  In the hate full 8 we follow to bounty hunters who come across an inn where a murder has occurred but the characters do not know.

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